Friday, July 25, 2008

So Fun!

In the last couple of days, Ellie has changed so much! She LOVES to play now and hold things and have 5 minute long conversations, even if it's with herself! She loves to play in her bouncy seat and hit the toys that are hanging down while talking and yelling the whole's so fun to watch! She also holds her head up so good now when she plays on her tummy. It's been nice to be able to put Ellie down for a bit, now that she can entertain herself for a little bit it gives me a chance to get some things done around the house. Another big thing she is doing now is taking naps in her crib!!! Yay!! She was taking naps on this is a big accomplishment (for the both of us)! = ) She sleeps in our room at night time and is sleeping great during the we're not going to make any changes there for a while! Jeremiah and I are so proud of her and love watching her little personality come out more and more each day. She is so much fun and such an active and alert baby! I'll have to post some videos we have taken of her just talking away...they are adorable! Here are some recent pics of Ellie belly at 12 weeks old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww she looks so cute Alexi has that same swinger she loves bitting the monkey pillow