I am absolutely loving this age right now where Ellie is really starting to talk and understand things, and her interest in everything around her is so much fun! I love how every little thing is the BIGGEST deal and makes her face light up. --example-- spotting the moon in the sky makes her little self full of joy and she shouts to everyone "look!" "moon!", or seeing a firetruck drive by makes her jump up and down and she waves to it like crazy until she can't see it anymore then tells it "see ya!". I love watching Ellie learn and discover and explore new things every day. She is so much fun! Can you tell that I might be just a liiiittle bit obsessed with this little girl?!?! ;-)
Here are some cute pics from this last month...
enjoying the warm weather


cutie pie

"another picture mom?"

she picked out her outfit this day :)

loving on her baby

reading to baby Leah (I watch her 2 days a week) Ellie LOVES her! Thank you Lord!

picking up Bubba from Sunday School

working in the yard with Nana!

she put Nana to work! :)

pile up on Papa!

Now Grammy's turn!