Yesterday, Ellie and I headed over to the park to meet up with her cousins and some friends. It was super fun to watch all the kids play together. I told my dad to bring the little tricycle Ellie likes to ride because I was pretty sure she wouldn't be able to do much, being she is only 6 1/2 months old. But Ellie LOVES to be outside and when you have some cute little faces there to entertain her too, she is one happy camper! So she rode the little tricycle around while someone pushed her, which is absolutely hysterical to watch! As soon as I put her on the seat, she instantly grabs onto the handlebars and starts swinging her's so cute! They had little baby/kid swings there, so we put Ellie in the swing and I had no idea if she was going to be way too small or if she would not like it at all, but she loved it! I couldn't believe she was big enough to swing at the park! (I know I totally sound like a first time mom right now, every "first" is such a big deal!) I definitely had to take a video of Ellie swinging to show her dad, because he would be just as proud!
Okay, here are some pictures from the park. It has been SO beautiful outside, we have to take advantage of this weather before it gets all cold and rainy out.
our little racer

Ellie sports the piggy tails now

Grammy, Ellie, Halle and Kylee

our buddy Hayden

Bubba sticking his tounge out at Auntie

sweet little ZoZo

Ellie swinging for her first time

My favorite picture...look at those eyes!

little boo-boo